Innovators of PREMIUM QUALITY Petri dishes for Microbiology Applications

Why choose our petri dishes?
- Highly competitive prices due to the innovation in part by design and manufacturing process.
- Up to 35% reduction in plastic used and disposed of with our patented “Environmentally-preferable” STAR™DISH series.
- Elimination of ETO residual which causes false negative readings and is health hazardous.
- Elimination of Gamma Radiation for the Microbiology dishes which causes discoloration and stress marks; dish becomes brittle and easy to break.
- Total absence of particles, dust, foreign objects and hydraulic oil vapor which mask analysis results and gives erroneous results.
- Certified Sterile without the use of chemicals; Pyrogen-free.

Our microbiology Petri dishes are not only STERILE, but also free from any particulates, like dust, foreign objects and hydraulic oil vapour, which can distort the analysis results. Each lot of our dishes undergoes a thorough sterility testing performed by an independent certified microbiological laboratory, according to the latest USP procedure.

Cleanroom technology is used in the manufacturing of sterile and ultra-clean products and devices. This technology is based on the use of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters as well as engineering and procedural controls to provide a contamination-free environment in a determined area. NASA engineered and perfected this technology during the early stages of the manned space rockets program in the 1960’s.

Of particular interest is the innovative, environmentally-preferable STAR™DISH series. The patented technology incorporated in the STAR™DISH allows a reduction in the amount of plastic used to manufacture each dish, thus further reducing disposable waste and cost.